Form1 Corel OLE Automation vy99990 DDMDMDMD MOMDMDMD DDDDDDDDA ODDDDD DC33; DDDC33; DDODDDD DDDDDDDDDffn DODDDD DDDDDDDL DODDODDDD Form15 Frame3D1 SSFrame CorelDraw OLE Automation cmdHide Command1 cmdStart Start Draw cmdCloseDraw Close Draw cmdShow Frame3D2 SSFrame Drive/Directory File1 Drive1 Frame3D3 SSFrame File Manipulation cmdOpen cmdImport Import cmdExport Export cmdPrint Print mnuFile &File mnuFileSDraw &Start CorelDraw mnuFileCDraw &Quit CorelDraw dash1 mnuFileOpen &Open File mnuFilePrint &Print File Dash2 mnuFileExit E&xit mnuOle mnuOleImport &Import File mnuOleExport &Export File mnuOleHide &Hide Draw mnuOleShow &Show Draw mnuHelp &Help mnuHelpOnTop Always On &Top Dash3 mnuHelpAbout &About @ Form_Load DrawObject Object Command2_Click Command1_ClickY Show_Click VisibleK Hide_Click DrawDocObjectc ActiveDocument CloseDraw_Click< CloseDoc_Click CloseDoc- Open_Click File1_Click_ File1_PathChange File1_PatternChange File1_LostFocus File1_KeyPress KeyAscii Dir1_Change FileListBox DirListBox File1 Drive1_Change Drive1 Drive? FileNameX Gauge1_Change Option3D1_Click Value6 Import_Click^ Import Export_Click} Export Print_Click PrintOut! @ New_Click/ Start_ClickX bDrawStartedW mnuFileExit_Click List1 ListCount ListB UsrInput* LetterNum Alphabet, sName iPosA FileNameListm mnuFileSDraw_Click mnuFileCDraw_Click mnuFileOpen_Click mnuFilePrint_Click mnuOleImport_Click mnuOleExport_Click mnuOleHide_Click5 mnuOleShow_Click Panel3D1_DragDrop1 Sourcea Control Enabled OPENEnabledt cmdOpen_Click cmdOpeny cmdStart_Click cmdPrint_Click cmdCloseDraw_Click cmdImport_Click cmdExport_Click cmdHide_Clicki cmdShow_ClickG Close_Click cmdPrint% cmdImport cmdExportM cmdCloseDrawa cmdHide5 cmdShowi Fasle> mnuFile mnuFileCDrawh mnuFileOpen mnuFilePrint mnuOle Form1 WidthT mnuSDraw cmdStart mnuFileSDrawz PrevInstancev EndSub$ Errorhandler ErrorHandler2 mnuAbout_Click ErrorHandler3 ErrorHandler4 ErrorHandler5K ErrorHandler6 ErrorHandler7 ErrorHandler8 ErrorHandler9` mnuHelpAbout_Click" Form2 Form3 Combo1 Command2 Frame3D2 Caption iCombo| CorelDRAW CorelDRAWApp Selected RWord UsrInp SpcPos Form_QueryUnload Cancel UnloadMode ErrorHandler10 AppIsRunning Screen MousePointer SetWindowPos hWndInsertAfter wFlags' SWP_NOMOVE SWP_NOSIZE FLAGSN HWND_TOPMOST HWND_NOTOPMOST mnuHelpOnTop_Click iSuccess mnuHelpOnTop Checked SWP_NOACTIVATE SWP_SHOWWINDOW CntrMain Close_Click d:\test\mark.cdr cmdCloseDraw_Click Close CorelDraw and Set application Pushbuttons to be disabled If DrawObject.AppIsRunning = True Then Elsef MsgBox "CorelDRAW is Not Running!", 48, "CorelOLE! Automation" End If Nothing appears to be wrong Error: cmdExport_Click Nothing appears to be wrong Error: cmdHide_Click Hide CorelDRAW from the User Nothing appears to be wrong Error: cmdImport_Click The Following sub will import all files listed in the File1 listbox into the current page in CorelDRAW 5.0b Nothing appears to be wrong Error: cmdOpen_Click The Following Will Open all Files in the File1 Listbox with the Extension (*.CDR) Envoke the OLE 2 Open command for CorelDRAW 5.0 Nothing appears to be wrong Error: cmdPrint_Click the Following Sub will Print all Files with the Extension (*.CDR) Nothing appears to be wrong Error: cmdShow_Click Make CorelDRAW Visible to the User Nothing appears to be wrong Error: cmdStart_Click Create the CorelDRAW object as it appears in the Reg.Dat file (accessable through Regedit /v) CorelDRAW.CorelDRAWApp Make CorelDRAW non-Visible Set the Startup State of the PushButtons and MenuItems Nothing appears to be wrong Error: Dir1_Change Drive1_Change Form_Load The Following Application Will demonstrate the OLE 2 Automation Capabilites of CorelDRAW 5.0. The Following Lists area of OLE 2 Automationh 1) Starting CorelDRAW 5.0 using OLE 2 Support 2) Closing CorelDRAW 5.0 using OLE 2 Supportt 3) Opening a File into CorelDRAW 5.0 using OLE 2 Supporta 4) Printing a File in CorelDRAW 5.0 using OLE 2 Support 5) Importing a File into CorelDRAW 5.0 using OLE 2 Support 6) Exporting a File from CorelDRAW 5.0 using OLE 2 Support Check to see if the CorelOLE Application is running, if so produce a Messagebox and close Corel OLE Application is already Running! Corel OLE Automation Error Trapping Center Main form on screen Nothing appears to be wrong Error: Form_QueryUnload mnuFileCDraw_Click mnuFileExit_Click mnuFileOpen_Click mnuFilePrint_Click mnuFileSDraw_Click mnuHelpAbout_Click mnuHelpOnTop_Click mnuOleExport_Click mnuOleHide_Click mnuOleImport_Click mnuOleShow_Click New_Click